
completely wrong中文什么意思

发音:   用"completely wrong"造句
  • 全错了
  • wrong:    adj. (opp. right) 1.(道义上)不好的 ...
  • completely:    完全地, 十分地, 圆满地; 完全地,彻底地; 完全因你
  • it will be completely:    我会毫无保留
  • be in the wrong:    错,理亏; 错误, 理亏; 理亏心怯
  • be wrong with:    搞错了; 有点毛铂有些不舒服; 有些不舒服
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  1. Your guess was completely wrong .
  2. She made a wild guess , but it was completely wrong
  3. And here common sense is wrong , completely wrong
  4. Excuse me , but i must say you are completely wrong
  5. It ' s completely wrong to say that football is boring


        wrong:    adj. (opp. right) 1.(道义上)不好的 ...
        completely:    完全地, 十分地, 圆满地; 完全地,彻底地; 完全因你
        it will be completely:    我会毫无保留
        be in the wrong:    错,理亏; 错误, 理亏; 理亏心怯
        be wrong with:    搞错了; 有点毛铂有些不舒服; 有些不舒服
        in the wrong:    错误的
        wrong:    adj. (opp. right) 1.(道义上)不好的,不公正的。 2.错误的,不正确的。 3.反对的,相反的,颠倒的,背面的,里面的。 4.不适当的。 5.〔用作表语〕有毛病的,失常的;无聊的;不舒服的。 a wrong'un [one] 坏蛋。 Lying is wrong. 撒谎是不好[错误]的。 the wrong move 走错棋子;有欠考虑的[不好的]措施。 the wrong end 相反的一头。 the wrong side of the cloth 布的反面。 the wrong side out 把里子翻朝外面,翻转过来。 The watch is wrong. 这表有毛病。 What is wrong with it 〔俚语〕这怎么啦? 这样不好吗? get [have] hold of the wrong end of the stick 弄错,搞错,误解,颠倒(理论、立场等)。 get out of bed on the wrong side 情绪不佳。 go the wrong way (食物)误入气管。 in the wrong box 处于为难的境地,着慌;不得其所。 on the wrong side of 1. 已过…岁。 2. 亏欠,变成负债 (She is on the wrong side of fifty. 她已经五十多岁了)。 Something is wrong with (sb., sth.). (某人,某物)出毛病。 take the wrong way 走错路。 wrong fo(u)nt 【校对】铅字(字体或大小)不对〔略 w. f.〕。 adv. 1.不好,不公正。 2.不对,错误,失当。 3.逆,颠倒,翻转。 4.有毛病,不舒服。 do a sum wrong 算错。 ★wrong, right 等可作为后置副词;用于动词之前须作 wrongly, rightly 等: He guessed wrong [right]. He wrongly [rightly] guessed. 他猜错[对]了。 get (sb.) in wrong = get in wrong with (sb.) 〔美口〕惹某人讨厌;惹某人生气,得罪某人。 get it wrong 算错;误解。 go wrong (人)走错路;搞不好;格格不入,龃龉;堕落;失败;(女人)失身;(机器等)发生故障。 right or wrong 不管好坏。 n. 1.不正,邪恶;坏事,罪。 2.过失,错误;不得当的处置;冤枉,不公正的对待;【法律】侵犯(权利);损害;虐待。 do sb. wrong = do wrong to sb. 害某人,虐待某人,对某人处置失当,对待某人不得当[公正],误解某人(的动机);强迫某人 (You do me wrong. 你误解我了)。 do wrong 干坏事;犯罪;犯法。 in the wrong 不对,错误;不正当。 know the right from the wrong 知道好歹。 put (sb.) in the wrong 冤枉[委屈]某人,诬害某人。 suffer wrong 受害,受虐待;受非法[不公正]对待。 vt. 1.(损)害;使受害;不正当[公正]地对待,虐待;侮辱,诬害。 2.冤枉,误解。 3.玷辱(女子)。 4.【航海】追过,超过。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. 1.谬误,不当。 2.不公正;不正直。
        wrong with:    怪味
        almost completely:    几乎完全
        be completely disassembled:    完全拆散
        be completely in the dark:    仍蒙在鼓里
        be completely renovated:    修葺一新
        completely abolish:    彻底取消
        completely additive:    完全加性的
        completely annealed:    完全退火的
        completely at sea:    渺茫得很
        completely autogamous:    完全自花受粉
        completely bald:    光头; 头顶全秃的
        completely cancel:    彻底取消
        completely carefully:    仔细地
        completely checked:    完全检验
        completely clean:    一尘不染的
        completely compatible:    完全兼容
        completely confiscate:    统统充公
        completely connate:    完全合生的



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